Timeless Moments with THE BOYZ at ZENERATION in Manila


Last Saturday, July 15, at the Smart Araneta Coliseum, the K-pop group THE BOYZ finally held their 2nd World Tour: ZENERATION in Manila, and it was such a THRILL-ing RIDE! With their lightsticks in hand, Filipino Deobis gathered for the group’s concert in the Big Dome, where they had the time of their lives! 

In case you missed Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin, New, Q, Juhaknyeon, Sunwoo, and Eric, here are some of the highlights from ZENERATION in Manila!


Since the beginning of the concert, Filipino Deobis had finally witnessed art on stage as THE BOYZ exhibited several of their outstanding stages! Fans have greeted them with the loudest screams in Araneta since their introduction to ZENERATION with their songs Ego, Reveal, Awake, and Roar!

Nobody does it like THE BOYZ, and their original concepts are unparalleled, aside from being engaging entertainers! Text Me Back, Whisper, and D.D.D. all demonstrated how beautiful and captivating they can be on stage!

With back-to-back performances of Lucid Dream, Daydream, Butterfly, and Wings, our boys brought tears to their fans’ eyes as well. When Filipino Deobis joined in on their singing at one point, Jacob and Changmin were stunned. The concert would be incomplete without their song, Maverick


Aside from their beautiful performance, THE BOYZ had many memorable moments and adorable interactions with the audience! 

Members revealed what they would want to eat or do in the country! Sangyeon expressed that he would like to try dried mangoes. Haknyeon wants to travel to Cebu to swim and surf with the group. Kevin said that they had seen the presents, CSE, and lampposts that the fans had made!

Kevin said he was looking forward to getting his Ice Caps at Tim Hortons, but he lamented that every time he comes in to get one, either the machine is broken or they’ve run out!

The phrase “your music got us through dark times” was written on a banner by the audience, which Eric noticed. He admitted that the year before, when he took a hiatus, was his hardest time. He is now happy and excited for the August comeback, and he is confident that the fans will enjoy it! 

Filipino Deobis, without a doubt, have the most energy! The boys have stated numerous times that the crowd’s enthusiasm was incredible, and The Big Dome even shook due to the fans’ screaming. They continued to demonstrate their enthusiasm as they jumped passionately to their favorite songs!

At every concert, the never-ending “walang uuwi” chant is a requirement, and THE BOYZ were no exception! Their puzzled expressions were hilarious, but Kevin urged Deobis to go home! LOL

Of course, one of the most memorable and unexpected moments of the night was when Jacob danced a few Gento steps during the D.D.D dance break. Maybe a dancing challenge or collaboration with SB19 soon?


There are many timeless moments captured with THE BOYZ during ZENERATION in Manila, and the members frequently stated that they will return to the country soon! They surely will create many memories with their spring and sunshine, Deobis. 

We hope to see them again soon! And we are so excited for their return in August!

Thanks again to DNM Entertainment and IN2UNE Entertainment for making this event happen!

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