Byeon Woo Seok Charms Filo Woo Che Tongs (TongTongs) in First-Ever Manila Visit! 


Korean actor Byeon Woo Seok recently visited the Philippines for the first time, much to the excitement of his Filo Woo Che Tongs (TongTongs). His visit was part of the 2024 BYEON WOO SEOK Asia Fanmeeting Tour: Summer Letter in Manila. On June 21, 2024, a day before the fan meeting, he held a press conference hosted by Kring Kim to answer questions from the media.

Photos by PULP & Varo Entertainment

As soon as he entered the venue, Byeon Woo Seok surprised the media with the sweetest gesture: he personally handed out flowers and greeted each member with a heartfelt “Kumusta.” This thoughtful act was a first and instantly became a cherished core memory for everyone present.

He expressed his delight at the warm reception and shared insights about his career, future projects, and personal experiences. Here’s a detailed account of the Q&A session with Byeon Woo Seok.

Q&A Session:

Q1: How does it feel to be in the Philippines right now?

A1: It’s so nice being here in the Philippines finally. We were at the airport yesterday, and so many fans greeted me. I was really thrilled and excited, and I’m looking forward to everything.

Q2: Is this your first time here in the Philippines?

A2: Yes, it’s my first time, so I’m really enjoying everything I see.

Q3: Have you had the chance to learn some Filipino words or phrases?

A3: I haven’t had the chance yet. Can you teach me some?

Host: I would gladly do it. “Kumusta?” means “How are you?”

Byeon Woo Seok: Kumusta?

Host: Do you know how to say “thank you?”

Byeon Woo Seok: I don’t know.

Host: It’s “Salamat.”

Byeon Woo Seok: Salamat.

Host: Here’s another phrase: “Uwi ka na, hindi na ako galit.” 

Byeon Woo Seok: Uwi ka na, hindi na ako galit.

Host: It means “Please go home, I am no longer angry.” It’s used in the context of relationships after a disagreement to reduce anger.

Byeon Woo Seok: Thank you for teaching me Tagalog. 

Host: Another one we’d like to teach you is “padayon.” It’s Bisaya and means “moving forward.” Padayon.

Byeon Woo Seok: Padayon.

Host: Let’s begin with our selected questions from the media.

Q4: After being in a romantic drama, what kind of roles do you want to do next?

A4: Before I read the “Lovely Runner” script, I wanted to do different kinds of roles. But when I read the script, I fell in love with the character Sunjae. I love romantic comedies, and I don’t have a particular role or genre in mind. Any new project where I feel connected to the story excites me. So, I’m looking forward to another romantic comedy.

Q5: What’s the most exciting part of doing a fan meeting in different places?

A5: Just the fact that I can visit different places is exciting. But most of all, getting to see the culture of these different countries is something I truly enjoy.

Q6: Which dramatic scenes stand out to you as your favorite or most memorable?

A6: There are many scenes I really like. Here are my top three:

  1. Episode 2, when Sunjae first confessed to Sol that he likes her.
  2. A scene with my dad where I was giving him alcohol and couldn’t tell him about past pains—an interaction between father and son.
  3. Episode 10, when I told Sol, “If I die trying to save you, I’ll be fine with that.”

Q7: If you were not acting, what do you imagine yourself doing?

A7: I’d probably be into business, maybe entrepreneurship, like owning a coffee shop. 

Host: Do you like coffee?

Byeon Woo Seok: No. But I enjoy serving coffee and think I’d be good at it.

Q8: You’ve been an actor for eight years now and reached new heights in your career. How would you want people to see and remember Byeon Woo Seok?

A8: I’m very grateful that you all remember and appreciate me, and show your love for me as Sunjae from “The Lovely Runner.” As an actor, I believe it’s a great achievement that you enjoy the characters I portray. In the future, I hope you will also fall in love with the new characters I’ll be acting as in my upcoming projects.

Q9: Your chemistry with your co-stars is often highlighted. How do you build such strong on-screen relationships?

A9: There is no secret to how I built relationships with my co-actors and actresses. One key factor is meeting and working with genuinely good actresses. Our shared passion for the new drama or whatever we’re doing naturally connects us. It’s not about personal approaches but our hard work and passion for what we do.

Q10: How are you adjusting to the newfound attention and popularity, and what aspect of this journey has surprised you the most?

A10: I am still not able to adjust to the sudden popularity. Every day is a big surprise and amazement for me. Just yesterday, when I was at the airport, I saw a huge crowd, which was already amazing and amusing to me. Even now, just imagining myself in front of you doing a press conference feels like a dream come true. So, I am still not used to this sudden attention; it still feels like a dream.

Photos by PULP & Varo Entertainment

Q11: Out of all the dramas you’ve appeared in, which one would you recommend to your new fans other than Lovely Runner?

A11: The Strong Girl Gang Namsoon, 20th Century Girl, and Moonshine (When Flowers Bloom). All my works are precious, so it’s hard to pick just one.

Q12: How do you feel about the incredible success of your series, Lovely Runner, and when did you realize the series had such an impact overseas?

A12: As I said earlier, I am truly delighted by the sudden, overwhelming support and love you’re showing me. For example, yesterday at the airport, I was surprised by how many people came out just to see me. Every time I visit different countries for my fan meetings and see different fans, I am still not used to the love you’ve been showing me. I am truly happy and amazed by the amount of support I receive even outside of Korea.

Q13: Did you ever expect the success of Lovely Runner outside South Korea?

A13: This drama, the “Lovely Runner”, is the first where I am the main lead actor. While preparing for the drama, I wasn’t expecting this grand success, but I always hoped that as much as I enjoyed filming and preparing for the shoot every day, people watching the drama would also enjoy this wonderful project. Basically, all the crew working on it shared the same thoughts. We loved what we were doing and hoped the audience would respond positively, and right now, I am very grateful that it’s happening.

Q14: What are you most excited about while preparing for the fan meeting?

A14: The biggest preparation I’ve been doing for my fan meeting isn’t about specific tasks or activities, but rather my thoughts and my heart. I hope that everyone coming to see me, spending their time, money, and effort, will go home with good memories. I wish they appreciate the time we spend together. Just having that thought and wishing my fans will have as much of a good time as I will—that’s been my biggest preparation.

Q15: Do you have a message for your Filipino fans?

A15: Thank you so much for your overwhelming love. Salamat for appreciating our project. Tomorrow, I’m not sure if I’ll get to see all of you, but if I do, I hope we have a good time together. If not, thank you so much for being here today with me. Thank you so much for your incredible support and love, which I never imagined happening. Also, please watch out for and be excited about my next project, which will be released in a few months. Thank you!

Photos by PULP & Varo Entertainment

Byeon Woo Seok’s first visit to the Philippines was a memorable experience for both him and his fans. His warm interaction and genuine appreciation for the support he received highlight why he continues to be a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. As he prepares for future projects, fans eagerly anticipate seeing more of his work and the characters he will bring to life.

Special thanks to PULP Live World for making this awesome event happen. 

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