A Night of Dreams and Memories – A Look Back on #HORI7ON First Fan Meeting


One midsummer night, the weather felt warmer as HORI7ON graced the stage for their first ever fan meeting – Hundred Days Miracle: First Fanmeeting, on April 22, 2023 at the New Frontier Theater.

HORI7ON is a group under MLD entertainment, ABS-CBN, and KAMP Korea formed through the survival show Dream Maker. The group consists of 7 members namely, Vinci, Jeromy, Marcus, Kyler, Reyster, Kim and Winston.

Despite this being the first and maybe the last fan meeting they’re holding in Manila before they’re debut in South Korea in June 2023, they were able to sell out the whole venue. This showed that their fame in the Philippines is no joke and they amazed their fans with their amazing talents and astonishing visuals.

Missing them while they’re away is already a given, so let’s look back at the moments we can’t forget:

Ear piercing screams can be heard in the venue as the 7 boys entered the stage with their signal song from their survival show Dream Maker called ‘Take My Hand’. It even made member Kim emotional, as he was in disbelief with how much the fans showed their love for them even before their debut in Korea.

The members played a series of games, such as the whisper challenge and the drawing challenge. They were divided into two teams, the blue and the white team. Despite all efforts, the white team lost both games, which meant they did all the punishments. The punishment included them doing aegyo  and asked them to do 3 heart poses.

Don’t worry boys, all of you were adorable!

It’s rare to have a group announce their official fandom name during a fan meeting, their first at that. But HORI7ON defied the odds and unveiled their fandom name, ‘ANCHOR’. The HORI7ON are like sailors on a boat and the ANCHOR symbolizes stability in order to help the boys in navigating towards their dreams and goals.

The night would not be complete without interaction with the ANCHORs! Each of the boys picked a random seat from the audience to do the ‘DASH’ Challenge with them. To all the fans that weren’t chosen, let our response be “sana all”.

Another moment that stood out that night was when the fans surprised the members with a video fan project. The video made the members emotional and they even shared a tearful group hug after, which in turn made the fans want to cry due to the heartfelt moment. 

As the night approached its end, they went up on stage with a beautiful performance of their songs, ‘Love Dovey’ and ‘Salamat’.

BUT WAIT, there’s more! The boys surprised the fans with a very adorable onesie version of their hit song, ‘DASH’ as their encore.

It was truly a memorable night and we, ANCHORS will patiently wait for your debut and your return to the Philippines. Bon Voyage, until we see you again!

Special thanks to DNM Entertainment for making this event happen.

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