A Day in the Life of Kang Daniel 


Kang Daniel is a certified homebody. 

In his spare time, he enjoys unwinding and doing the things he loves most at home. He lives with his cats, Jjangah and Ori, and has several video gaming consoles and toys at home. The fact that he has all he needs in his home makes living alone an everyday healing for him.

What does his typical day at home look like when he doesn’t have a work schedule?

First of all, he loves fulfilling his basic needs. He sleeps as much as he can and has the capacity to sleep for up to 18 hours. He then starts his day by putting an order in for breakfast. 

Then, he searches the home for his cats, plays with them, and feeds them. Kang Daniel loves cats and thinks they are the most perfect living things on Earth.  

He is the type of person who instantly cleans up after eating, so he does the same after finishing breakfast. Then, he sits in his living room and plays video games.

After a while, he goes back to sleep…again. (Isn’t he incredibly relatable?) After an hour nap, he then gets up and plays with his cat once more while assembling lego blocks and listening to music.

After building lego blocks, he sits in front of the computer he built and plays his favorite computer game. Kang Daniel has a separate room dedicated for his computers and is styled to look like an internet cafe. This is where he invites his friends to play.

Next, he cools down himself with a cold shower, dresses up, and goes out to the park to skateboard. Skateboards are scattered around Kang Daniel’s home, which is evidence that he enjoys the sport.

However, staying outside for a prolonged period of time drains his energy, so after spending some time in the park he quickly returns home. 

As he finishes his day, Kang Daniel eats something from his favorite restaurant and watches his favorite animated movie on Netflix.

In the end, it becomes clear that Kang Daniel is just another young man at home who prefers to live his life according to instinct. When tired, he goes to sleep. When he feels hungry, he eats. This shows that despite having a lavish lifestyle as an artist, he is a person just like us.

After 3 years, Kang Daniel is coming back to Manila to perform at his concert, “First Parade,” on October 22, 2022 (SAT) at the New Frontier Theater. There are still tickets available on ticketnet.com.ph or at TicketNet outlets nationwide, so grab yours now!

#FirstParadeInManila is brought to you Wilbros Live

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