RELIVE THE MOMENT: Kim Mingue brings Heaven to Earth in first Manila Fan Meet


Kim Mingue (n.) – a gift sent from above.

Rising Korean Actor Kim Min Kyu, also goes by the name Mingue, led his fans to paradise in the HEAVENLY MOMENT: Kim Mingue 1st Fanmeet in Manila at the New Frontier Theater (NFT) last April 14.

Honestly, I only watched three KDramas my entire life. it’s not because I don’t like them, but it’s just that I need to devote my time to the shows because I need to read subtitles.

Fortunately, subtitles weren’t necessary during this fan meet. I didn’t have to figure out how Mingue and his fans were feeling during that heavenly moment. I understood the joy and love that enveloped the red walls of NFT.

Pack your bags because we’re going to a trip to paradise.

Majestic Entrance

Mingue entered the scene singing the Business Proposal’s OST, “Love, Maybe” by MeloMance. Screams from fans of young and old could be heard initially when he appeared on stage in a handsome black blazer on top of a pink shirt. But, upon hearing his majestic voice, everybody started waving their hands and moving their heads from left to right to the tune of the song.

After his opening number, the humble actor thanked his fans for their time.

“First of all, I’m very grateful that you made time to see me. I missed you all,” Mingue said.

In his first fan meet in Manila, I noticed that right from the start, the warm welcome from his Filipino fans would leave a mark on him.

The Daily Moment with Kim Mingue

In this segment, the fans were treated with never-before-seen photos of the Heavenly Idol lead. The crowd learned that he loves to take photos as he talked about photos from the set of This Is My First Life and a sunset. Those photos allow him to remember the emotions he was feeling that day, and they give him peace.

“Whenever I take pictures, I do not want to focus on the physical objects that can be seen in the photo, but I want to take pictures to also try to remember the different atmosphere, the different mood that I was feeling during the time I was taking the picture so this picture was telling how I feel at the end of the day after a long day,” he said.

Another fact about Mingue: He has three cats. Everybody can tell that he is very fond of them as his cats are 9, 10, and 11 years old already.

“This is my first born, Xian,” he revealed, “and this is my very beautiful pet. Isn’t he cute?” Imagine how the crowd reacted.

Other photos showed his photo as Heavenly Idol’s Rembrary with his horse

One fan even shouted, “Sana ako na lang yung kabayo,” and that made him laugh.

The actor also shared about his hobbies and other photos on set.

The Drama Moment

In my opinion, this is the best part of the event. Before the event, fans were asked to stamp stickers on their favorite Business Proposal and Heavely Idol episodes. Then, for this segment, they got to share the stage with the actor to reenact a scene from those episodes.

Not only Mingue, but also his Filipina fans showed their acting skills for everybody’s entertainment. How lucky could you get, right?

Idol Moment: School

For his first class, Kim Mingue posed for Ending Fairies just like the your favorite KPop Idols which he said was ‘really hard to do.’

As you can see here, he was figuring out where the camera was, but he nailed it guys. One smile and everybody fell.

In his last ending fairy, Mingue showed his majesty and his highness, posing in a King costume that ultimately sent fans screaming.

Moving to his next class, Mingue learned some Filipino phrases. He was trying his best and to be honest, he did well. He was so endearing!


After the break, the Business Proposal actor, in a yellow-orange striped long sleeves, played games with the fans. The first game was a staring game, then the limbo, and lastly the cup stacking game.

It did not really matter who won the games as Mingue gave all the participating fans signed hats. All for the fans.

Following each game, the fans were asked to give a message to Mingue, and I think this stood out. For sure, he felt the love and support of his Filo supporters.

“Continue doing what you love doing. We’ll always love and support you,” one fan said as she received a hug from the actor.

The fourth game was a TMI OX Quiz with him. Fans went on survival, nervously picking which choice was the correct answer. In the end, the stars aligned for only one fan, winning a signed Polaroid photo of Mingue.

Then, the skillful actor made a customized key ring for another lucky fan.

Mingue revealed that he’s really into legos. It was difficult for him to build them because of his schedule, but now that he’s free, he’s going back to the hobby.

“I enjoy making puzzles, making legos, things like this,” he shared, “Actually, a lot of fans already gifted me so I’m busy building legos. When I was young, I really enjoyed building lego sets but I stopped for awhile. Now I have time, I’m starting again.”

Last but not the last, Mingue played in a segment called GUE CAN DO IT!

He had to finish the bottle flip challenge, reach 900 points for the mini punch game, and bounce a ping pong ball 20 times. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t overcome. But good news for the fans, they got to see him in a funny dinosaur costume.

As the show came to a close, the fans surprised Mingue with a touching video that made the actor teary-eyed. He was grateful for the fan meeting because he created ‘wonderful memories’ with his supporters.

To end, Mingue serenaded his fans with The Heavenly Idol OST, Suddenly, and delivered a special message for his fans.

“So first of all, I hope that just like the title of this fan meeting, all of you had a heavenly moment, a happy moment, and a heart warming moment with me and I as an actor myself, I do my best to also give my fans and all the watchers a happy and heartwarming moment. However, rather than me being able to give these moments to you, I think the fans, your love and your support give this power to me more rather than myself. I am always thankful to you all and I’ll make sure that in the future, while I continue on with my different projects, that I will be able to become an actor that will be able to deliver the warmth inside your hearts. An actor that you can relate to. An actor that you can continuously love. And I hope that in the nearest future, I’ll be able to return back to the Philippines. Thank you so much.”

The show ended with the hi-bye and photo opportunity with the lovable actor.


Personally, I love covering rising stars and idols because I see their hardwork, humility, and gratefulness. Whenever they come here, there is a sparkle in their eyes after seeing how much Filipino fans show support. I saw all these in Mingue. I was curious about him pre-event, but I now know why he is loved by many.

Much thanks to Rise Media Philippines for bringing Mingue to us. Thank you for the Heavenly Moment. And oh, for the free photo opportunity with him too. It was my first time and it still feels surreal so I’m going to include this on my days-I-won’t-forget list.

Finger-hearts to you! No subtitles needed.

Photo opportunity with Mingue 🫰

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