#BetweenUsFMinMNL2023: The Starlight of Our Night


May 28, 2023 was the day that BL fans were waiting for. From the series Until We Meet Again to Between Us The Series, the anticipation to finally get to see the cast was palpable. Wish Us Luck brought the cast of Between Us the Series to Manila for the ‘Between Me and You: Between Us the Series Fan Meeting in Manila 2023’, and we couldn’t be happier. 

Our team was able to catch a glimpse of the cast earlier during the press conference a few hours prior to the fan meeting. See full video of the press conference below.

The Skydome was slowly filling up as the time for the fan meeting approached. Many anticipated this fan meeting and in just a few more hours it was about to commence. 

Here’s our favorite moments from #BetweenUsFMinMNL2023:

The cast entered the stage in their iconic costumes from the series, with Boun and Prem wearing their swim team windbreakers, Oreo with his office outfit, and the rest of the cast in their college uniforms. They performed a rendition of their OST, ‘Luckiest Boy’. 

Boun & Prem in their swim team windbreaker; Tae, Benz, Yacht, Bosston, & Sammy in their college uniforms; Oreo in office attire

During the segment for Tae and Benz, Tae said that he’s a better dancer than Benz. This prompted fans to shout ‘sample’, which meant they wanted him to show the crowd a dance. 

Sammy and Bosston on the other hand made the whole venue swoon over them as they started their performance on either side of the Skydome and they slowly approached each other. The fans screamed in excitement as the pair walked through the seats of their fan clubs and slowly went up the stage.

Another pair that surprised us was Oreo and Yacht as the latter also started their performance down the stage and amongst the fans, slowly going up the stage to meet up with Yacht. These two couldn’t stop giving fan service as they waved, sent hearts and kisses to the crowd.

The main pair of the night, Boun and Prem, came on stage singing their OST. Everyone was just loving them singing when they suddenly held hands and everybody just couldn’t control their excitement! 

A night full of smiles, laughter, and tears were shared. The starlit night approached its end with the cast singing ‘Come Inside of My Heart’ by IV of Spades, where the fans sang along with them one last time.

We would like to thank Wish Us Luck, the cast of Between Us the Series, and Studio Wabi Sabi for making this memorable for both the cast and the fans! 

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